Adventurer Teachers Resources Manual – Download Material (PDF)

The Adventurer Club of the Seventh Day Adventist Church is designed to strengthen parent-child relationships for kids ages 4-9 by providing specialized weekly activities tuned into the psychological needs of this age group while simultaneously giving parents opportunities for learning parenting skills and enjoying special activities with their children.

The Objective of the Adventurer Club is to provides fun and creative ways for children…
1. to develop a Christ-like character,
2. to experience the joy and satisfaction of doing things well;
3. to express their love for Jesus in a natural way;
4. to learn good sportsmanship and strengthen their ability to get along with others;
5. to discover their God-given abilities and to know how to use them to benefit self
and serve others;
6. to discover God’s world;
7. to improve their understanding of what makes families strong;
8. to develop parental support for the training of children.

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