Student Online Registration System allows newly admitted students of the University to access online services which include Personal Data Registration, Fee Payment, Course Registration, Semester Result, Course Structure and Notifications among other.
To access the services, a student must activate an account on the system using Admission Acceptance Fee Payment RRR or Transaction ID and register their complete academic details. This activation is a one-time action that will be used to setup the student’s profile within the system.
– Carefully fill your Bio-Data and O’Level Results.
– Use a functional Email for your registration otherwise notifications cannot be sent to you.
– Upload a standard passport not less than 500 X 500 resolution in JPEG or PNG format.
You cannot change passport uploaded through out your stay in the University.
STEP 1 – Acceptance Fee
Login to payment Acceptance Fee either at the Bank or using your ATM Debit Card online.
STEP 2 – Registration
Carefully fill all the required fields, submit and print out your confirmation page.
STEP 3 – Student Portal
Login to Student Portal for Fees Payment and Course Registration.