2nd Quarter: The Promise: God’s Everlasting Covenant
Lesson 2 Covenant Primer
Sunday: Covenant Basics
Text: [[Gen 17:2]] KJV
_And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly.
In our introductory study last week, we began with a perfect plan of God in creating the universe and handing over to man. God did all for our first parents without any contribution from them. It was entirely God’s gift. Unfortunately, sin came in and God had to activate the plan of redemption.
It’s the content of this plan that’ll be the focus of our study this quarter. We’ll explore the details of God’s covenant with man. What is it? What does it require of us? This week, we’ll consider all of God’s covenant with his people and how they all climaxed. Generally speaking, covenant can be understood as an agreement between two parties. In biblical terms, it’s often described as between God and man.
There are 3 basic elements of every biblical covenant which is important for us to appreciate the entire lesson:
1. God affirmed the *covenant promises* with an oath (Gal. 3:16).
2. The covenant *obligation was obedience to God’s will* as expressed in the Ten Commandments (Deut. 4:13).
3. The means by which God’s covenant *obligation is ultimately fulfilled is through Christ* and the plan of salvation (Isa. 42:1, 6).
In a typical ancient covenant between 2 people, both parties bring something to “the table”. Each commits something to it and benefits from the agreement. But in God’s covenant with man, He initiates the covenant, promises blessings and all man had to do was to obey and receive the blessings. Even our ability to obey, He made provision for us to succeed. God gave all, and didn’t have benefit from it.
Think about who God is and who we are in comparison to Him, what kind of relationship does His covenant with us depict? Share your understanding.