Sabbath Celebration

The final Sabbath of Ten Days of Prayer to celebrate God’s goodness and mighty power. Share how you have experienced the power of prayer and the good news of the everlasting gospel during the past ten days. Rejoice in what God has done, is doing, and will do.
The needs of each congregation are unique, so please work with local leaders to develop a specific plan for your church. Here are some possible items to include in your final Sabbath church service.

Back to the Altar—Making a Place for God

Theme Verse:
“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him” ( John 4:23).

Possible Hymns:
Sweet Hour of Prayer
In the Garden
Give Me the Bible
Abide With Me
Give Me Jesus
O Worship the King
Showers of Blessing
Softly and Tenderly
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus

Sermon Ideas:
Have a pastor, elder, or prayer leader preach a short sermon about the importance of regular personal devotions and family
worship. Scripture passage: John 4:23.
Have the Ten Days of Prayer participants take turns offering 1- or 2-minute summaries for each of the 10 daily prayer guides.
Share the title, the main verse, and a key thought. (Plan ahead so the summaries stay within 1-2 minutes. For most people, one minute is 125-150 spoken words.)
Enlist three individuals of different age groups to give 5-minute presentations on how they do personal devotions. In addition, have one or two families share ideas of how to facilitate engaging family worship experiences. The youth could also help with music or offer testimonies.

Conclude with an appeal for listeners to make personal devotional time and family worship a priority.

Other Program Ideas:
Member testimonies of answered prayer, small-group prayer time, announcement of future prayer or service activities, children’s story about daily worship and prayer, special music selections, etc