10 Days of Prayer: January:10-20, 2024 – Day 6 (PDF)

10 days of prayer 2024


“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” (Gal. 6:9, ESV)

Spiritual Grit

Grit is something we don’t often associate with spiritual matters. But it is just as important in our daily pursuit of holiness as it is in other areas of life, from sports to learning to successful business transactions. Without grit, success is unlikely. Grit is the passion and perseverance of pursuing a goal we deeply care about. In order to reach our goal, we organize our lives in such a way that nothing distracts us. We need such grit in our spiritual walk with God, and we need it in a special way.

Too often, we do not see the results of our prayer requests because we are not persistent in our prayers. Perhaps we get distracted or discouraged, or we give up in our hearts and do not believe that God can hear and act in ways far beyond our comprehension. In Luke 18, Jesus tells His disciples the story of a widow who persistently brought her case to an unjust judge. Although this judge had no regard for God or the woman, he eventually granted the widow’s request because of her persistence (Luke 18:1-7). God, however, is not indifferent to our prayer requests as the unjust judge was. God is eager to help far more than we can even understand (Jer. 33:3).

What we need today, in our marriages, in our classrooms and dormitories, in our churches and homes, are people who pray. Not just those who talk about prayer, those who say they believe in prayer, or even those who can give nice explanations about prayer. We need people who actually take the time and pray!

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Day 6 Ten Days of Prayer

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