100 Old Testament Bible Quiz Relay And Answer

20 Genesis chapter 1 bible quiz

100 Old Testament Bible Quiz Relay And Answer is a type of Bible quiz that deals with speed, team work and timing.

How it works:

Get two groups or participants. For each question answered correctly, 2 points will be gained, while for any question failed no point will be allotted. If a number with yellow spot is picked, 1 point will be deducted, red spot is 2 points while for green spot 2 points will be added. 10 seconds is given for each question to be answered.

This quiz relay is an exciting one that does not only depend on knowledge of the bible but luck. Let us dive into the relay.

Old Testament Bible Quiz Relay And Answer

1. What prophet was swallowed by a fish? (Jonah)

2. yellow spot?  (-1 points)

3. Who was Elkanah (The father of Samuel? – 1 Samuel 1:1)

4. How many years did the Israelite spend in the wilderness? (Forty – Deut. 1:3)

5. What was the name of Moses’s younger sister? (Miriam – Exodus 15:20)

6. Green Spot  (+2 points)

7. Who was the name of Joseph’s younger brother (Benjamin)

8. What is the sixth commandment? (Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy)

9. Red spot (-2 points)

10. Who was the first woman? (Eve)

11. What is the sixth commandment? (Thou shall not kill)

12. Who was thrown into a den of lion by a king? (Daniel)

13. Finish this proverb… The fear of the Lord is … (The beginning of wisdom/knowledge – Prov. 1:7)

14. Who was Zipporah? (The wife of Moses – Ex. 2:21)

15. Who was the wisest man in the Bible? (Solomon – See 1 King 4: 29-31)

16. Who received the 10 commandment from God? (Moses)

17. Green spot (+2 points)

18. Red spot (-2 points)

19. Yellow spot (-1 point)

20. Who was Abraham’s wife? (Sarah)

21. Who asked “Am I my brother’s keeper? (Cain)

22. What is the first commandment? (Thou shalt not have other gods before me)

23. What is the name of Abraham’s father? (Terah – Gen. 11:31)

24. Red spot (-2 points)

25. What is the seventh commandment? (Thou shalt not commit adultery)

26. What is the longest name in the Bible? (Mahar-shalal-hashbaz)

27. Yellow spot (-1 point)

28. Why did Lot’s wife become a pillar of salt? (Because he looked back – Gen. 19: 26)

29. On what day of creation did God create man? (Sixth day)

30. Green spot (+2 points)

31. Green spot (+2 points)

32. Who was the first man created according to the Old Testament? ( Adam )

33. What was the name of the mountain where Moses received the Ten Commandments?(Mount Sinai )

34. Who was sold into slavery by his brothers and later became a prominent figure in Egypt? (Joseph )

35. Who was the Queen of Sheba that visited King Solomon? ( The Queen of Sheba)

36. Yellow spot (-1 point)

37. Red spot (-2 points)

38. Which prophet was known for his encounter with a chariot of fire and a whirlwind? ( Elijah )

39. What is the name of the river where Naaman dipped seven times to be healed of leprosy? (The Jordan River)

40. Green spot (+2 points)

41. Red spot (-2 points)

42. What was the name of the city where the walls fell after the Israelites marched around it? (Jericho)

43. Which prophet had a vision of a valley full of dry bones coming back to life? (Ezekiel)

44. What was the name of the giant Philistine warrior defeated by David with a sling and a stone? (Goliath )

45.Yellow spot (-1 point)

46. What was the name of the prophet who was fed by ravens during a time of drought? (Elijah)

47. Who was the son of David and Bathsheba, known for his wisdom? (Solomon)

48. Green spot (+2 points)

49. Green spot (+2 points)

50. Red spot (-2 points)

51. Which prophet called down fire from heaven in a contest with the prophets of Baal? (Elijah)

52. Yellow spot (-1 point)

53. Who was the judge of Israel known for his incredible strength? (Samson)

54. What was the name of the prophet who married a woman named Gomer as a symbol of God’s relationship with Israel? Hosea

55. What was the name of the prophet who confronted King David after his sin with Bathsheba? Answer: Nathan

56. Green spot (+2 points)

57. Yellow spot (-1 point)

58. What was the name of the prophet who had a vision of a flying scroll? Zechariah

59. Who was the Old Testament figure who led the Israelites into the Promised Land after the death of Moses? Joshua

60. Who was the prophet that God commanded to marry a prostitute as a symbolic act of God’s relationship with unfaithful Israel? Answer: Hosea

61. Green spot (+2 points)

62. Yellow spot (-1 point)

63. What was the name of the king of Israel who had a confrontation with the prophet Elijah on Mount Carmel? Ahab

64. Who was the Old Testament figure who built the ark according to God’s instructions to save his family and the animals from the flood? Answer: Noah

65. What was the name of the city where the prophet Samuel was born and later served as a judge? Answer: Ramah

66. Yellow spot (-1 point)

67. Red spot (-2 points)

68. What was the name of the king who decreed the destruction of all Jewish people in the Persian Empire, as recorded in the book of Esther? Answer: King Xerxes (Ahasuerus)

69. Red spot (-2 points)

70. Who was the wife of Isaac? (Rebekah)

71. What is the 4th commandment? (Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy)

72. Who was the sister of Joseph? (Diana)

73. Green spot (+2 points)

74. Green spot (+2 points)

75. What was the name of the king who saw a mysterious hand writing on the wall during a feast? Answer: Belshazzar

76. Red spot (-2 points)

77. Who was the Old Testament figure known for his patience and endurance through various trials? Answer: Job

78. Who was the wife of Abraham? (Sarah)

79. Yellow spot (-1 point)

80. What was the name of the prophet who had a vision of a chariot of fire and horses of fire? Answer: Elijah

81. What was the name of the Israelite judge who killed a Moabite king named Eglon? Answer: Ehud

82. Green spot (+2 points)

83. Red spot (-2 points)

84. Who was the first priest of Israel? (Aaron)

85. Yellow spot (-1 point)

86. Green spot (+2 points)

87. Who was the wife of Moses? (Zipporah)

88. How many days was the world created according to the book of Genesis?

89. Green spot (+2 points)

90. Red spot (-2 points)

91. Red spot (-2 points)

92. Yellow spot (-1 point)

93. Jacob had how many sons? (12)

94. Who created the heaven and earth? (God)

95. Red spot (-2 points)

96. How many books are in the old testament? (39)

98. Red spot (-2 points)

99. Yellow spot (-1 point)

100. Green spot (+2 points)

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