September 21, 2019 – Pastor Jackson
Most people when faced with a crisis reach out to God! Even those who don’t really have a close relationship with Jesus will ask their family, friends, and even strangers to pray. But how many people make that commitment and never follow through? The words, “I’ll pray for you,” have become just something to say, like any other common words of comfort when you feel sorry for someone or sad because of what trial they are facing. It’s almost like saying, “Have a nice day.”
But when we tell someone that we will pray for them, we have made a commitment before God to earnestly lift that person up in prayer, asking for God’s will to be done in their lives. If we have no intention of praying, then we should not make a commitment to do so. If at all possible, it’s good to stop what we are doing right then and there and lift them up to our heavenly Father!
There’s a world of hurting people all around us, so why not start praying for them today? And the next time someone asks for prayer, say sincerely, “I’ll be happy to pray for you. Let’s pray now.” ” Texts: Philippians 1:19, 1 Timothy 2:1, Ephesians 6:18. The truth is I am praying for you and would pray with you.. Pray for me too. Sabbath Jollof is served.