50 Psalm Bible Quiz Questions For Youth Programs With Answers


The book of Psalm contain 150 beautiful poetic chapters. How well do you know the book of Psalm? The bible quiz for youth below will show how much you know about the book of Psalm. Although it was designed for youths, adults are also free to participate.

Check out the answers immediately after the questions. Share your results in the comment section below, and don’t forget to share with your friends!




1. What Psalm is the longest Psalm?

2. What Psalm is the shortest Psalm?

3. Create in me a clean _____ and renew the right spirit within me

4. Blessed is the man who ______ not in the counsel of the ungodly.

5. The Lord is my _____, I shall not want.

6. Thy word is a lamb unto my feet and a _____ unto my path.

7. But you, Lord, are a ______ around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high.

8. He that dwelleth in the secret place of the ______ shall abide under the shadow of the almighty.

9. The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I _____?

10. As the deer ______ for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God.

11. With long life will I satisfy you and show you my _______

12. According to Psalm 42, who do you put your hope when you are troubled?

13. According to Psalm 127, Children are ______

14. Where do you find this verse? God is our refuge and strength,an ever-present help in trouble.

15. According to Psalm 48, the height of mount Zion was likened to ______

16. Your ______ have I hidden in my heart that I might not sin against thee.

17.Complete this statement, People who have ____ but lack understanding are like the beasts that perish.

18. Harp, lyre, timbrel, strings and pipe, cymbals and _____ are the instruments mentioned in Psalm 150.

19. I lift up my eyes to the ______ where does my help come from?

20. weeping may stay for the night, but _____ comes in the morning.

21. Who says in his heart that there is no God?

22. I was _____ when they said unto me , let us go into the house of the Lord.

23. If it had not been _____ the Lord who was on our side, when men rose up against us.

24. Our help is in the name of ______ who made the heave and the earth.

25. According to Psalm 128, Complete this statement. Thy wife shall be as a fruitful ________.

26. When the Lord turned the _____ of Zion, we were like them that dream.

27. Order my steps in thy _____ and let not iniquity have dominion over me.

28.I Have more understanding than all my ______ for thy testimonies are my meditations.

29. He raise the poor out of the dust and lifted the ______ out of the dunghill.

The following 5 questions are from psalm 106

30. Who understood not the wonders in Egypt?

31. The Lord dried up the yellow sea. True or False?

32. Who stood on behalf of the people when the Lord wanted to destroy them?

33. They made a ____ in Horeb and worshiped it.

34. At what waters was Moses angered?

35. It is a _____ thing to give thanks unto the Lord.

36. I will sing of the ____ of the Lord forever.

37. A day in the house of the Lord is better than a ______.

38. I had rather be a _______ in the house of my God than to dwell in the tents of wickedness

39. No good thing will the Lord with hold from them that walk ______.

40. The Lord led the children of Isreal in the wilderness with pillar of _______ at night.

41. The Lord fed them with manna at the wilderness. true or false?

42. The Lord smote the first born of the Egyptians. True or false?

43. Vow and ____ unto the Lord your God.

44. _____ thy burdens upon the Lord and He shall sustain thee.

45. God is our _____ and strength a very present help in trouble.

46. What is the portion of those who considers the poor?

47. Psalm 41vs9, Yea mine own familiar friend in whom I trusted ,which did eat of my bread hath lifted up his heel against me. this text can also be found in what gospel books of the new testament?

48. The Lord ____ thee in the day of trouble.

49. The Lord is in his ______ temple.

50. O Lord our Lord, how ______ is thy name in all the earth.



1. Psalm 119

2. Psalm 117

3. Heart

4. Walks. 1vs1

5. Shepherd 23vs1

6. Light 119vs105

7. shield 3vs3

8. most high

9. Fear 27vs1

10. pants 42vs1

11. Salvation. 91

12. God 42vs11

13. Heritage from the Lord 127

14. Psalm 46

15. Zaphon Psalm 48vs2

16. Word Psalm 119

17. wealth 49vs20

18. Trumpet

19. Hills 121

20. Joy 30vs5

21. The fool, psalm 53vs1

22. Glad psalm 122vs1

23. The Lord psalm 124vs2

24. The Lord psalm 124vs8

25. vine psalm 128vs3

26. Captivity

27. Word 119vs133

28. Teachers 119vs99

29. needy 113vs7

30. Our fathers 106vs7

31. False, red sea 106vs9

32. Moses, 106vs32

33. Calf 106vs19

34. Meribah, water of strife 106vs32

35. Good 92vs1

36. Mercies. 89vs1

37. Thousand 84vs10

38. Doorkeeper 84vs10

39. uprightly 4vs11

40. Fire 78vs14

41. True

42. True

43. Pay 76vs11

44. Cast 55vs22

45. Refuge 46vs1

46. Blessings 41vs1

47. John 13vs18

48. Hear 20vs1

49. Holy 11vs4

50. Excellent 8vs1

All the questions are from the book of psalms, NIV and KjV bible were used in compiling the questions

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