Master Guide Club Mission, Pledge, Law, & Song


Master Guide is the highest level of Invested leadership within the Adventurer/ Pathfinder programs of the church. It focuses on one’s personal spiritual life and growth, first and foremost.

The Master Guide Ministry is a development and mentoring program for youth leadership within the Seventh-day Adventist Church, serving the entire community.

PURPOSE: Develop Christ-like leaders to disciple children, youth and young adults.

MISSION: To empower leaders through effective training and equipping and deploying them for service.

VISION: To see all young people saved.

PHILOSOPHY: The Seventh-day Adventist Church is committed to training youth and young adults for leadership and service to God and humanity.

(Salute for the Pledge by placing the palm of your right hand over your heart) “Loving the Lord Jesus, I promise to take an active part in Adventurers, Pathfinders and Youth Ministries, doing what I can to finish the work of the gospel in all the world”.

(Sworn in as you repeat the Law)
“The Master Guide Law calls me to: be an example in Word, Conduct, Love, Spirit, Faith, and Purity.” (Based on 1 Timothy 4:12)
Master Guide Song

Press on forward Master Guides with holy boldness; we’re invested with great strength.
To help all the youth who choose to be with Jesus, and they long to follow Him.
To the lost souls we are giving the great message that constrains within our hearts.
There’s a crown awaiting each of us in heaven, with bright stars which Jesus has for us.

Press on forward Master Guides with holy boldness; we’re invested with great strength.
With a glorious torch that’s lifted up towards heaven, will bring light into this world.
Though we’re threatened by a world that’s filled with darkness, we’ll go forward without fear.
In the light that keeps on shining from our Savior, to help guide us as we walk the AY path.

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