Sabbath School Lesson for Cornerstone Connection is for young adults. Sabbath school comprises worship and study, it builds the physical, mental and spiritual life of the youth.

In each lesson students are provided a reference to the volume from the Conflict of the Ages Series, by Ellen White, that corresponds with the week’s story. Students who follow the reading plan included in these Sabbath School Bible study guides will be able to read the entire series in four years.

The prayerful study of God’s Word along with the reading of these books promise to help students grow in their relationship with God. Some of the lessons for this quarter include

Consequences [p. 11] Many young people struggle with depression, anxiety, and fear. Suicide is more common now than ever before. Samson’s life offers an opportunity to explore this topic with care and humility.

Prayer Power [p. 19] Hannah is faithful to fulfill the vow she makes to God in anguish.

Eli’s Bad, Bad Boys [p. 27] Poor parenting ends in national trouble and family tragedy.

Turn It Around [p. 35] The story of the ark shows God as holy, just, yet full of mercy

Trading Leaders [p. 43] God gives Israel the king they beg for, against His better judgment.

So Long, Saul [p. 51] Outer appearances can’t be trusted; unchecked power almost always

Giant Faith [p. 59] Reckless and childlike trust in God turns human reality upside down

Running [p. 67] Saul is out to destroy the very person who wins his battles for him.

Sabbath School Lesson for Cornerstone Connection,4th Quarter 2023(PDF)


Lesson 1 – October 7

Lesson 2 – October 14

Lesson 3 – October 21

Lesson 4 – October 28

Lesson 5- November 4

Lesson 6- November 11

Lesson 7- November 18

Lesson 8- November 25

Lesson 9- December 2

Lesson 10- December 9

Lesson 11- December 16

Lesson 12- December 23

Lesson 13- December 30