Sabbath School Mission Story – 3rd Quarter 2023 (Download PDF)

Sabbath School Mission Story – 3rd Quarter 2023 (Download PDF)

Sabbath School mission stories are interesting stories shared during the Seventh-day Adventist Sabbath School program. They tell about the good work done by Adventist mission projects in different parts of the world. These stories are meant to inspire, inform, and connect people.

The stories inspire us by showing how God’s love can bring positive changes in people’s lives. They tell about projects that help those in need and make the world a better place.

These stories also raise awareness about the challenges people face in different places. They tell us about poverty, lack of education, and other problems that exist. By knowing about these challenges, we can pray for them and find ways to support mission projects.

Sabbath School mission stories help us feel connected to the global Adventist family. They show us that people all around the world are working together to share God’s love. We can feel a sense of unity and purpose as we hear these stories.

Through Sabbath School mission stories, we are encouraged to get involved and make a difference in our own communities. We are reminded of our responsibility to spread God’s love and help those in need.

In simpler terms, Sabbath School mission stories are interesting stories that inspire us, teach us about challenges, connect us to others, and motivate us to help those in need.

Sabbath School mission stories are narratives or accounts that highlight the work of Adventist mission projects and initiatives around the world. These stories are typically shared during the Sabbath School program in Seventh-day Adventist churches.

Also: Download Sabbath School Mission Story For Children– 3rd Quarter 2023

Sabbath School mission stories serve several purposes:

1. Inspiration: They inspire church members to engage in mission work and make a difference in their communities and beyond. These stories often showcase the transformative power of God’s love and the positive impact that can be achieved through acts of service and outreach.

2. Awareness: They raise awareness about the challenges faced by people in different parts of the world and highlight the needs that exist. These stories shed light on issues such as poverty, lack of education, healthcare disparities, and social injustice, motivating listeners to get involved and support mission projects.

3. Connection: They foster a sense of connection and unity among Adventist believers by sharing stories of how individuals and communities are being reached with the Gospel message. These stories emphasize the global nature of the church and the shared mission of spreading God’s love to all corners of the earth.

4. Prayer and Support: Sabbath School mission stories often include specific prayer requests for ongoing projects or initiatives. They provide an opportunity for church members to pray for the needs presented in the stories and to support mission work through financial contributions or volunteering their time and skills.

Sabbath School mission stories can cover a wide range of topics, including education, healthcare, community development, evangelism, and humanitarian aid. They aim to inspire individuals and churches to engage in mission outreach and to create a culture of compassion, service, and active participation in fulfilling the Great Commission.

These stories not only inform and inspire Sabbath School participants but also serve as a reminder of the church’s commitment to spreading the Gospel and meeting the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of individuals and communities worldwide.

Primary Sabbath School Lesson, 3rd Quarter 2023 – Download Material(PDF)

Primary Sabbath School Lesson, 3rd Quarter 2023 – Download Material(PDF)

Primary sabbath school lesson 3rd quarter 2023 is divided into community, service and worship. Sabbath school is usually fun for children in primary class that is filled with activities that they learn and enjoy.

Furthermore, sabbath school is one of the segment of worship in the Seventh Day Adventist church. Primary class is for children aged 5 to 9. The class session is divided into 4.

Also, the Readiness Activities give the students a reason to want to learn the lesson. This section appeals to imaginative learners, who ask, “Why should I learn this?”

Then children are made to understand that they belong to God’s family. Some of the lessons related to community includes ‘A song of praise sung by the red sea’, Josiah leads a great revival’, Josiah leads a celebration’.

Also, they learn that people are attracted to God through the lives of other people. Some of the lessons related to service in this quarte includes ‘ Esther is chosen to be queen’, Esther gives a banquet.

Furthermore, they learn that God is praised in our time of worship. Sabbath school lessons include ‘Satan tempts Jesus’, Paul writes to Timothy.

Primary sabbath school lesson



Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Lesson 6

Lesson 7

Lesson 8

Lesson 9

Lesson 10

Lesson 11

Lesson 12

Lesson 13

Lesson 14

Cornerstone Connections Sabbath School Lesson, 3rd Quarter 2023 – Download Material(PDF)

Cornerstone Connections Sabbath School Lesson, 3rd Quarter 2023 – Download Material(PDF)

Cornerstone Connections Sabbath School Lesson is for youths. This quarter lesson is titled ‘Line in the sand’. The goal of Cornerstone Connections is to lead youths to the Bible to see the big story of God and people.

This big story continues from the first generation in Eden to your generation today. It’s about the lives of people as the God of the universe interacts with them.
The Cornerstone Connection sabbath school lesson for this quarte contains lessons such 

1. Trust Test Scripture Story: Deuteronomy 2; 3:1-11.
Commentary: Patriarchs and Prophets, chapter 39.

2. Greed: The Bottomless Pit Scripture Story: Numbers 22–24.
Commentary: Patriarchs and Prophets, chapter 40.

3. Roads to the Soul Scripture Story: Numbers 25.
Commentary: Patriarchs and Prophets, chapter 41.

4. Law and Love Revisited Scripture Story: Deuteronomy 4–6; 28.
Commentary: Patriarchs and Prophets, chapter 42.

5. Last Longing Look Scripture Story: Deuteronomy 31–34.
Commentary: Patriarchs and Prophets, chapter 43.

6. Promises Don’t Die Scripture Story: Joshua 1–5:12.
Commentary: Patriarchs and Prophets, chapter 44.

“In daily study the verse-by-verse method is often most helpful. Let the student take one verse, and concentrate the mind on ascertaining the thought that God has put into that verse for him, and then dwell upon the thought until it becomes his own. One passage thus studied until its significance is clear is of more value than the perusal of many chapters with no definite purpose in view and no positive instruction gained” (Education, p. 189).

Cornerstone Connections sabbath school lesson can be downloaded below


Lesson 1- July 1

Lesson 2- July 8

Lesson 3- July 15

Lesson 4- July 22

Lesson 5- July 29

Lesson 6- August 5

Lesson 7- August 12

Lesson 8- August 19

Lesson 9- August 26

Lesson 10- September 2

Lesson 11- September 9

Lesson 12- September 16

Lesson 13- September 23

Lesson 14- September 30

Kindergarten Sabbath School Lessons, 3rd Quarter 2023 – Download Material (PDF)

Kindergarten Sabbath School Lessons, 3rd Quarter 2023 – Download Material (PDF)

Welcome to Sabbath School for kindergarten children! This is a fun and special time on Saturday mornings at Seventh-day Adventist churches. During Sabbath School, we will learn about God, the Bible, and how to grow in our faith.

In the kindergarten class, we will listen to interesting Bible stories, do interactive activities, and have lessons that are just right for our age. Our teachers will help us understand these stories and how they can apply to our lives.

Sabbath School is a place where we can ask questions, share our thoughts, and explore our faith in a friendly and welcoming environment. Our teachers want us to feel comfortable and happy as we learn about God’s love.

During Sabbath School, we will have fun activities like crafts, games, and singing songs. These activities will help us remember the stories and lessons better. We will also learn simple verses from the Bible and take part in prayers and worship.

In Sabbath School for kindergarteners, we will make new friends and feel like we belong. It’s a safe and caring place where we can learn about God’s love for us and how we can show love to others.

By joining Sabbath School for kindergarteners, we will grow in our understanding of God, learn important Bible stories, and start building our own special relationship with Jesus. It’s an exciting journey that will help us become kind, loving, and joyful followers of God.

We are so happy to have you with us in Sabbath School for kindergarteners. Let’s have a great time together as we learn, play, and discover God’s amazing love!

Kindergarten sabbath school lesson



Lesson 1- July 1

Lesson 2 – July 8

Lesson 3- July 15

Lesson 4- July 22

Lesson 5- July 29

Lesson 6- August 5

Lesson 7- August 12

Lesson 8- August 19

Lesson 9- August 26

Lesson 10- September 2

Lesson 11- September 9

Lesson 12- September 16

Lesson 13- September 23

Lesson 14- September 30

Memory Verse

Sabbath School Lesson, 3rd Quarter 2023 –Download Material (PDF)

Sabbath School Lesson, 3rd Quarter 2023 –Download Material (PDF)

Welcome to this quarter’s Sabbath School lesson! This lesson is an opportunity for us to delve deeper into the teachings of the Bible and discover valuable insights for our spiritual growth. Together, we will explore meaningful topics, gain a better understanding of God’s Word, and reflect on how it applies to our lives.

Sabbath School is more than just a study session; it is a time of fellowship and community. As we engage in thoughtful discussions and share our perspectives, we learn from one another and grow together in our faith journey. It is a time to ask questions, seek answers, and deepen our relationship with God and one another.

Throughout this lesson, we will discover timeless truths, relevant principles, and practical guidance from the Bible. Each week presents a new opportunity for personal reflection, group discussions, and practical applications. As we study and contemplate these important lessons, let us approach them with open hearts and minds, ready to be transformed by the truth.

Remember, Sabbath School is a safe and supportive environment where everyone’s contributions and insights are valued. Together, let us embark on this exciting journey of discovery, growth, and spiritual enrichment. May this Sabbath School lesson be a source of inspiration, encouragement, and transformation as we seek to apply God’s Word to our lives and live out our faith in meaningful ways.

Sabbath School Lesson 3rd Quarter (3rd Quarter 2023)
Title: Ephesians

Sabbath School Lesson, 3rd Quarter 2023 – Download Material (PDF)

Contents and Introduction:

Lesson 1 – Paul and the Ephesians: June 24–30, 2023

Lesson 2 – God’s Grand, Christ-Centered Plan: July 1–7, 2023

Lesson 3 – The Power of the Exalted Jesus: July 8–14, 2023

Lesson 4 – How God Rescues Us: July 15–21, 2023

Lesson 5 – Horizontal Atonement: The Cross and the Church: July 22–28, 2023

Lesson 6 – The Mystery of the Gospel: July 29–August 4, 2023

Lesson 7 – The Unified Body of Christ: August 5–11, 2023

Lesson 8 – Christ-Shaped Lives and Spirit-Inspired Speech: August 12–18, 2023

Lesson 9 – Living Wisely: August 19–25, 2023

Lesson 10 – Husbands and Wives: Together at the Cross: August 26–September 1, 2023

Lesson 11 – Practicing Supreme Loyalty to Christ: September 2–8, 2023

Lesson 12 – The Call to Stand: September 9–15, 2023

Lesson 13 – Waging Peace: September 16–22, 2023

Lesson 14 – Ephesians in the Heart: September 23–29, 2023

Go to Previous Quarter

Kindergarten Sabbath School Lessons, 3rd Quarter 2023 – Download Material (PDF)

Sabbath School Study Guide, Second Quarter 2023 For Beginner – Download Material (PDF)

Lesson study is an important aspect of sabbath school in the Seventh day Adventist church which involves the use of beginner study guide for babies. The beginner lesson study is focused on grace, service, worship and community.
A general rule applying to the beginner child is: seat children so their feet easily
touch the ground. For children under 18 months use walkers (without wheels).
To better understand beginner children, ages birth through 2 years, it is helpful
to note characteristics of their growth and development.

• Vary greatly in their physical development
• Are growing rapidly
• Tire easily
• Cannot sit still for long

• Have an attention span of only one or two minutes
• Learn by active involvement and imitation rather than by instruction
• Learn best one ministep at a time
• Focus attention on what they see and/or touch

• Are extremely egocentric—cen-tered in themselves
• Fear separation from parents
• Cry easily—one crying child sets other children crying
• Express their needs by crying—the crying usually stops when the child’s needs are met.
• Become attached to adults who show love and acceptance of them

• Sense attitudes of respect, joy, and anticipation in connection with church, the Bible, and Jesus
• Can identify pictures of Jesus and lisp His name

Beginner lessons ministers to children ages birth through 2 years.
Download Beginner Study Guide for sabbath school, Second Quarter 2023 .




Lesson 1- April

Lesson 2- May

Lesson 3 – June